Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Next Step

Meet Dr. Lynn Bentley Davis, my new doctor. She is a reproductive endocrinologist ie. fertility specialist.

Today Jeremy and I finally made it to the fertility consultation.

She did not mention my weight at all. She did not pressure us. She listened to us and answered all of our questions. Again, no pressure for IVF at all. She asked us what we wanted. We told her that we really wanted to do larascopy before spending money on treatment. She agreed.

So...the next step is doing larascopy with my regular gynecologist, since the Dr. Davis is not a preferred provider with my insurance and larascopy is a covered medical procedure under my insurance. I have an appointment with my gynecologist, Dr. Andre to discuss which time I should be scheduling the surgery. Pray for me. I am really scared.
Going into Dr. Davis' office today I felt so vulnerable. Admiting I have a problem...taking the next step and wanting to make sure this is what God wants and not just what we want.

As part of larascopy they are also going to check my tubes and uterus so I won't need to do the dye flush test. Yeah!!!

For those of you who don't know Larascopy is exploratory surgery. They will be making two small cuts in my abdomen and inserting a camera into the hole. They will be checking for endometriosis and if they find it will laser as much as they can away. This is the only way to actually verify the exsistance or lack of endometriosis.

After the surgery we are suppose to do one natural cycle to allow time to recover then clomid with IUI including monitoring.

Another good thing is that it is going to be way cheaper then we thought it would be with ultrasound monitoring clomid and everything... only $800ish...we thought it was going to be $1,500, so we are very encouraged. She says I can do two cycles with clomid and then would recomend either trying a lateral drug like femara or maybe injections.

She was very positive she said that even if we have endometriosis she still thinks we can do IUI and be sucessful. I'm amazed at how my experience was so much better then my expectation.

We plan on starting IUI now in about Augustish timeframe. . . since we need to save up money again.

In the mean time I am currently experiencing disabling back pain and pelvic pain mid and end of cycle. It is so bad that I can barely walk. This is the biggest reason we want to do larascopy. The doctor says the fertility benefits are not very good but the pain benefits are worth it if it is endometriosis.

God is a big big God.