Friday, July 11, 2008

God is funny :)

Ya know whats crazy... 7ish months ago when we started "trying". . . my husband absolutely did not wants twins. I'd pray every day for twins. . . and he'd give me this glare. Then I started praying he'd be happy if we did have them... today he told me that he'd doesn't care if we have twins he just wants me to be pregnant :) Obviously he'd still prefer one at a time, but thats huge! Aww. What a precious husband I have. . . this being said God has also brought me to that same point where I don't care if I have a boy or a girl ..twins, triplets...singleton or long as I get pregnant and have a healthy baby(ies)

Anyways...I was also thinking today of how my grandma, mom, and aunt all had difficulty conceiving. It took my grandma five years to conceive her first, but then she went on to have five kids. My mom had me right away, but struggled with all the pregnancies after. Her mom took des with her so her cervix wouldn't stay closed. . . and my aunt also tried for over four years to conceive her first and then had three healthy kids..

1 comment:

Heather said...

Well your family history is encouraging in that they were all able to have kids at some point. Hopefully yours won't take that long!