Monday, March 2, 2009

Answered Prayer

I'm not pregnant, I don't even know if I'll ever get to be pregnant... for now I am thanking God for the prayers he has answered.

Last Monday I broke down on the way home from speaking to a legal recruiter. I told God that I was jobless and childless...that the doctor said I needed IUI to get pregnant and I could not do IUI until I got a job...with the job market the way it is I felt hopeless. I also mentioned to God that my husband would not let us start the adoption process until after we try IUI AND IVF. He really really wants his own biological child. . . So do I, but I think I mostly want to be a mother.

Well...right when I got home I plugged in my cell phone and on my voice mail was a job offer. I took it of course.

So even tho I am still childless, I am no longer jobless. Praise God! Which means...that in addition to not having to forclose on our house, we will begin saving for the consultation and first IUI treatment.

I am not sure how I'll fit infertility treatment into a new job, but I know God will work it out.

This cycle we are taking off fertility drugs again. Maybe we won't even need IUI :)