Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm on cycle day 19 today...if I don't ovulate in the next few days then I'm pretty sure I'm not going to ovulate this cycle. All opks have not showed the slightest second line...or lh detection. I was hoping for an early Christmas present...but God has a perfect plan for my life and apparently getting pregnant this month is not it...

I am discouraged. I went to my lady doctor yesterday for my annual exam. He told me again that IUI was highly recomended do to our fertility issues (ovulation issues and low volume/high concentration sperm) He said that my luteal phase when I did ovulate was on the short side...but the treatment for that is clomid or another fertility drug...the good news is that I did ovulate naturally. Praise the Lord!

The problem and really why I am discouraged is that right now we can not afford iui with fertility medications and I don't think that once I finally get a job I'll be able to take off as much time from work to go to doctor visits for IUI or even clomid get the medication...

God has a perfect plan for us. I need to take this one day at a time...but its hard when the desire for children is so strong.

On a positive note I have made it through three days on weight watchers. Yeah! As difficult as it is I am focusing on getting healthier so that when I finally do get pregnant I'll be a better oven for that little one or two.


Heather said...

Jess, I am totally there with you and know how you feel. Please keep your chin up and know that God will make you a mother somehow.
I have a luteal phase defect where my progesterone is low and thus shortening my LP. My doc put me on progesterone meds. They are not fun to take at all, but work. When I test on 14 dpo, if it is neg, I stop taking the p, and AF comes about 3 days later. I am taking the clomid, and last month I didn't O until CD18, so there is still hope! Don't give up. There's always hope! I pray for you daily.

Heather said...

I just wanted to say that just because you haven't O'd yet, doesn't mean that you won't. That's what I was trying to write! :)
When I first started OPK's, I though I wasn't going to O, because there was no second line. at. all. But one day, It was there blaring at me. I hope that happens today or tomorrow!

Trujess said...

Thanks Heather!!!