Sunday, April 12, 2009

Remembering Oscar

April 11, 2009 was suppose to be his due date. We would have been holding him/her in our arms this weekend. We would have been parents.

Now our arms are empty and our hearts grieve our son/daughter.

I remember last August. For two days in a row my pregnancy test was positive. I had never in my life had a positive pregnancy test before. We were cautious. We didn't let ourselves get excited...Then we went to the doctor's office to take a blood test. She was very positive. Her excitement rubbed off on us. She said to eat fruits and veggies...she told us my due date. She asked what Doctor I wanted to deliver my baby.

That night I had the most terrible abdominal pains I've had ever (and that says something for me). I knew something was wrong. When the Doctor called the next day to tell us the blood test was negative...I already "knew" we had lost Oscar. The next day I started the heaviest period I have ever had in my life. It was only a day late. If I had never tested early I would have never known about Oscar. . . but I did and for a few short days I was going to be a mom. We were going to be parents. Jeremy was more excited then I was.

After Oscar left us I asked Jeremy if we could name our child. So ....we named our child Oscar. . . and today we remember our little angel in heaven-Oscar.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Mourning with you.