Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July...
Many of you don't know that the 4th of July is my second favorite holiday after Christmas. I love the fun, food, friends, family and fireworks. I still remember my grand mother putting two giant sparkles in the air in a V shape singing Victory in Jesus... I love my grandma B.

This year we celebrated the 4th with our community group at Kristian and Bina's place. It was a really fun day. We played games, ate great food. At one point everyone was shaming each other. Bina proposed everyone go around in a group and share what they most appreciated about their spouse. What a great idea! Jeremy is tender and compassionate. Even when I am at my worst he sees the beauty in me and helps me to see it in myself.

This aside...I still need to walk my dogs and eat healthy. I am not any closer to finishing my PCOS books and starting the PCOS diet...maybe by next time I post :)

Below are some highlights of the day.

1 comment:

Debra said...

you're a zillinz!