Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dillusional? Wishful?

I really think I am pregnant. I'm only 7 days past ovulation I can't even think to get a positive test for a whole week. I prayed today and asked God to give me peace about being pregnant if I was or give me a super un-peace about it if I wasnt....and I just had more peace... I can't explain it but I really think I am that wierd? Maybe this is just the act of a desperate woman...but usually when I want something really bad and God says no I know...I just a few months ago when I had the chemical pregnancy...I just knew. I had dreams about miscarriages it was the wierdest thing. I kept hearing evil voices in my head saying I was going to miscarry. This cycle I keep hearing that this is the cycle for us and we are NOT going to miscarry and we are going to have children from this cycle. Anyways....I'll write here when I find out I am pregnant. Blessed by Jehovah provider of all things.

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