Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 (New American Standard Bible)

"...Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary"

This verse kept rolling over and over again in my head yesterday and then this morning right before I took my temperature 98.5 (the highest it has ever been) and as I took yet another pregnancy test and again when that pregnancy test was negative at 12dpo...

I prayed this morning before taking my temp..."Lord if I'm not pregnant show me by a low temperature, if I am show me by a high temperature, your name be glorified..." I took my temperature...and it was super high at 98.5. I then took a pee test and it was negative...

I cried still sort of in disbelief and my husband said, "Jessica, God is not limited to peesticks or time schedules he is not limited to what has happened to other people in the past or any of that...I still believe that you are pregnant this cycle and we will find out in God's timing not ours..."

I said but but most people that test at 12 dpo that are pregnant get a positive result...and he said have a little faith.

On the few times I have ovulated I had a 14 day luteal phase...which would be this coming Thursday. If my temp is still high then I might test again on Saturday...all I know is that God wants me to wait on Him and His timing whether that is now or a million years from now...and waiting on Him will give me strength and build me up...

Blessed be Jehovah our provider.

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