Saturday, February 21, 2009


So...Jeremy says I need to get some serious help! :) Almost every cycle I start peeing on a stick at 7dpo when normal people just barely start getting a positive test at 10dpo....and most people not untill 14dpo or more...I want to KNOW if I am haha.... I know it won't be positive untill God wants us to know...but I still pee...This cycle I peed on a stick at 6dpo lol and then at 8dpo and today at 9dpo.

Up untill 11dpo I am still totally happy with a negative test...but after that I break down and cry if its negative. I become depressed for almost an entire week...and then by the end of my menstral cycle I stop dwelling on it and move on with my life...This happens every cycle tho. Jeremy asked me if I'll be sad this cycle if I'm not pregnant. I said, "Of course...but I'll get over it and move on with my life." I know God has a plan for us. I really pray that means pregnancy this cycle and a healthy baby November 2009. If I was pregnant this cycle we'd be due November 5th 2009.

I will hold the stick up in the air trying to imagine a line if I imagine a line there it means I am pregnant haha... I think you can always see an imaginary line if you really want to.

Jeremy says I need a support group for this addiction...

1 comment:

Heather said...

I would be a terrible support person then....

"Hi, My name is Heather" (hello Heather) "and I am a poas-aholic!"